Publications Tab
Use the Publications tab to view publications based on the scientific text you entered or your applications. Publication data is limited to all completed citations in the latest MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline Repository database where there is a match to an NIH awarded grant.
To access the Publications tab, search for funded projects and publications.
Publication Title
Title of the published article.
LikeThis Score
The degree of match between scientific terms and the resulting publications. The higher the LikeThis score, the closer the match.
Pub Dt
Date the article was published.
Publication Authors
Authors of the published article.
Journal Name
The name of the journal in which the article was published.
Pub Year Volume (Issue) Page(s)
Year, volume/issue, and page numbers of the journal in which the article was published.
The PubMed or PubMed Central identification number.
Retrieving Funded Projects and Publications Based on Your Scientific Text
Retrieving Funded Projects and Publications Based on Your Applications